

The world of drones is an exciting one to have an ear to right now. With drone technology advancing rapidly theres a lot to listen out for. Heres the brief lowdown.

What is a drone? A drone is an Unmanned Ariel Vehicle (UAV), sounds important doesn’t it, almost even beyond the scope of public availability, you might think. That’s because drone is a big word in the military. Both armed and unarmed drones are used in over 36 countries and are a serious piece of military equipment. Now they’re available to you and for commercial and leisure purposes.

So how can these ingenious airborne machines, originally created for situations where manned flight is considered too dangerous, be available for a lets say not so risky audience? The answer is technological development, of course. This line of technology leaves the flight paths open to opportunity as far as the imagination can stretch.

The drones available to the public for smaller scale use – than the military that is, drones are being set on pretty large operations otherwise – come sporting anywhere from 4 onwards propellors, functioning you know, to keep them in the air! Fitted with a fully functioning high definition camera and in a whole host of different shapes, colours and sizes.

Business owners can take advantage of the drone market, adopting these robust gadgets to carry out deliveries – like Walmart recently applied to do in America – and scope out optimised routes, not to mention traffic updates (for when you just can’t escape having to use the car) and then there’s always dropping in on the competitor just to see how things are. You have the control, literally!

Business hats off. There’s plenty of leisure time fun to be had using the drones, on a worldwide scale. Tales of climbers using drones to scale the face of a mountain and help select challenging routes, keeping them high in the mountain and pushing mediocracy out of the picture. You drone will be built using a system that is self-leveeing meaning all of the high-definition ariel footage that you capture will be rock steady despite having being captured from heights of up to 400 feet – oh yeah heads up, it’s not yet legal to fly above that height.

From military to our doorsteps so far and a worldwide market, the next steps include wearable drones, drones that transform from one thing into another and even devices that are able to detect and feedback pollution levels. 2016 is a very exciting year for drones. We’ll keep yo updated with one ear on the ground and one up in the sky.